List for Santa
The Christmas wishlist was always the most important part of the holiday to me as a child because I got to fantasize about any toy I wanted. As a child, my whole days were consumed by going through new catalogs of Toys R Us and various other retail toy stores that happened to come through the mail. I'll never forget the magic I felt going through catalogs of endless toys that I would most likely never even get. So now that I'm an adult, I spend my Christmas differently now. I buy whatever the hell I want because I am child free with no consequence or guilt of buying things I seemlessly do not even need. I blame it on my BPD and lack of happiness in my life. With that said, here's some shit I'd like for Christmas - its more of a reminder list for me of things I want as well as things I want to get for others. Enjoy!


Field Journal


Spyro The

Dragon Plush

Alien Plush

Harry Potter


Planet Earth II

25 ft Python

Phone Case

Ice Tray

Aquarium Test Kit

Orca Blanket

Forage Pouch

Digital Camera

External Harddrive

Texas Cutting Board


BBC Collection
